Privacy policy

Privacy Notice Summary – Your Information

What type of information do we hold about our patients?

We collect and process the following information about our patients:

  • identity details – name, gender, sexual orientation, date of birth, NHS Number;
  • contact details – address, telephone, email address;
  • ‘Next of Kin’ details – the contact details of a close relative or friend;
  • details of any carer you may have, or anyone you care for;
  • details of any appointments with the GPs and nursing staff;
  • reports from secondary care of any A&E visits, inpatient stays or clinic appointments;
  • results of any scans, X-rays and pathology tests requested;
  • details of any diagnosis and treatments given;
  • details of any longstanding health concerns and conditions;
  • details about your health, treatment and care and other relevant information from health professionals, care providers or relatives who care for you;
  • information about any allergies;
  • information about any DNAR decisions and any living wills that we know of;
  • correspondence from other Health and Social Care providers that provide you with services.

We work with a number of Health and Social care organisations and independent treatment centres in order to provide you with the best possible care and options for treatment.  Your information may therefore be shared securely to provide continuity of care.

Sharing patient information

We know that good communication with other healthcare professionals involved in your care is beneficial to you, and so we work closely with many organisations in order to provide you with the best possible care.  This means that if another healthcare professional or service is involved in your care, it might be appropriate to share information with them in order for you to receive the necessary care.

Your information will be shared between those involved in providing health care services and treatments to you.  This includes doctors, nurses and allied health professionals, but may also include administrative staff who deal with booking appointments or typing clinic letters.

Access to information is strictly controlled and restricted to those who need it in order to do their jobs.  All of our staff receive annual mandatory training on confidentiality and data security and also have strict contractual clauses within their employment contracts which oblige them to respect data protection and confidentiality.

For more information about who we share information with, the purpose of information sharing, our lawful basis for processing data, and information about your rights as a data subject, please see the links below. You may also ask our Reception team for a copy.

Puddletown Surgery Data Sharing-Patient Information Leaflet here

Choosing which organisations can view your record here.

Full Privacy Notice here.